
CUA has renewed its licensure in year 2021 | لقد تم تجديد ترخيص الجامعة في عام 2021

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Students are scheduled for classes only after a one-on-one meeting with their Academic Advisor. Registration and pre-registration take place each semester. The student must apply for registration using the prescribed form, which includes a list of the subjects that will be studied during the semester. The Registrar announces the application deadline. Registration will not be considered complete until all course fees and other outstanding balances are paid. Students will not receive credits for courses in which they are not registered. Inquiries regarding applications are directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Late Registration

Students must register for classes by the deadline dates specified on the academic calendar. A Late Registration Form must be submitted, and a late registration fee will be assessed for all students who register after the deadline for normal registration and up to the end of the second week of class, after which students will not be permitted to attend further classes.

Students may make schedule changes without financial penalty during each term’s Add/Drop Period in the first week of the semester to add or drop a course. Adding or dropping courses is not allowed outside of this period, and there are no refunds for classes dropped after the end of the Add/Drop Period. An Add/Drop Application Form must be submitted, and each Add/Drop form requires a processing fee. Courses may only be added or dropped with the permission of the student’s Academic Advisor. No add/drop will be allowed in the Health Sciences Program.


Students must fill out the Withdrawal Application Form and submit it to the Registration Department. There is no academic penalty for withdrawing from courses prior to the 9th week of a course offered in the Fall or Spring semester, or prior to the 4th week of a course offered in a summer session. In these cases, the letter W is noted in the student file alongside the course. The student’s CGPA is not affected. However, students who withdraw during the 2nd week must pay the full amount for repeating the course when they take that course again.

Any student leaving a course must complete a special withdrawal form. Failure to complete this form indicates that the student is continuing in the course, and they will be awarded grades in accordance with academic policy. The withdrawal form must be signed by the student, along with their Academic Advisor, and submitted to the Registrar before the end of the week in which they are withdrawing during the Spring or Fall semester and before the end of the 4th week during a summer session.

Aside from voluntary withdrawal from a course as described above, a faculty member may require a student to withdraw from a course due to failure to complete required assignments, low attendance, or misconduct. As in the case of voluntary withdrawal, a mark of EW is awarded based on the withdrawal date. A faculty member may recommend that the student drop the course after the MT if he/she exceeds the maximum allowed absences or shows poor performance. A grade of EW will be recorded for the course.

Refund Policy

  1. The student shall apply for a refund by submitting the specified form.
  2. Application and Admission Fees are non-refundable.
  3. Students who withdraw before semester commencement will be refunded 100% of the paid tuition fees.
  1. Students who withdraw within the first week of semester commencement will forfeit 1/3 of the tuition fees. The University will return 2/3 of the tuition fees.
  1. The entire semester tuition fee is non-refundable for students who withdraw after the end of the first week of the semester. This includes the Post Dated Cheques (PDC’s) also.
  1. No refund for Summer I and II neither before the semester start, nor during add & drop period.
  1. A student who is suspended or expelled from the University for disciplinary reasons forfeits all rights to any refunds.

Grading System

Grading System
Grade Range Symbol Grade Points Description
90-100 A 4.0 -
85-89 B+ 3.5 -
80-84 B 3.0 -
75-79 C+ 2.5 -
70-74 C 2.0 -
65-69 D+ 1.5 -
60-64 D 1.0 -
Below 60 F 0.0 Failed
N/A W N/A Withdrawal
N/A EW N/A Enforced Withdrawal
N/A I N/A Incomplete
N/A WF N/A Withdrawal with Fail

Credit Hours

Courses are calculated in credit-hours. Each course carries a certain number of credits, which are awarded after its successful completion. Credit hours usually equal the number of hours spent in class per week. One credit hour is typically 50 minutes of lecture given weekly for a minimum of fifteen weeks. Two or three hours of tutorial or laboratory work per week is the equivalent of one credit hour.

The Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) reflects student achievement in one semester. The cumulative point average (CGPA) reflects student achievement in all semesters of coursework attempted. GPA and CGPA are evaluated as shown in the table below:

Grade Point Average

CGPA are evaluated as follows:
Grade Points Evaluation
4.00 Excellent with Highest Honor
3.80 to 3.90 Excellent with Honor
3.50 to 3.79 Excellent
3.00 to 3.49 Very Good
2.50 to 2.99 Good
2.00 to 2.49 Satisfactory
Less than 2.00 Unsatisfactory