
CUA has renewed its licensure in year 2021 | لقد تم تجديد ترخيص الجامعة في عام 2021

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Student Life

Career Workshops and Events

The Student Placement Office organizes workshops and webinars for students and alumni in collaboration with other colleges in CUA and hosts guest speakers on career-related topics.

We also provide our alumni and students with assistance in career development by offering the below resources to help the alumni and students get a successful startup in their career life these include:

  • Offer a range of short courses and training programs such as CV writing, and mock interviews.
  • Design skills-based workshops to help students and alumni to develop and grow.
  • Plan and execute different lectures and seminars that focus on work challenges.
  • Recognize and plan special programs for students and alumni who are ambitious and have potential leadership.
  • Career fairs and conferences

For other updates on job opportunities, workshops & events contact the Student Placement Office on spo@cu.ac.ae

