
CUA has renewed its licensure in year 2021 | لقد تم تجديد ترخيص الجامعة في عام 2021

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Intensive English Program

All students seeking admission to English programs at City University Ajman (CUA) must demonstrate the required level of English proficiency through one of the approved academic tests: EmSAT, TOEFL, IELTS, or their equivalents. Applicants are required to achieve an acceptable competency level in English, which is equivalent to an EmSAT score of 1100, a paper-based TOEFL score of 500, an Internet-based TOEFL score of 173, an IELTS Academic score of 5, or other Ministry-approved equivalents. This requirement applies to all applicants, including those who have previously been admitted to non-credit intensive English language programs or remedial English courses.

For those who do not meet the minimum score requirements, CUA offers an Intensive English Program (IEP):

1. Applicants who cannot achieve the necessary scores must enroll in either IEP 1 or IEP 2, depending on their language proficiency.

2. Students may register for up to two General Education Program courses while enrolling in an IEP course. These courses include Computer Fundamentals, University Mathematics, Islamic Studies, and UAE Studies. Students are encouraged to complete these courses and work towards achieving the required EmSAT score. If they do not succeed, they may retake the course until they pass; however, they can exit the program once they achieve the necessary EmSAT score.

3. Students applying for admission to Arabic programs at CUA are not required to take any academic exams and are exempt from the aforementioned testing requirements.
